• Desktop Freeze Fracture & Etching System CFE-60
  • Carbon System 328EB
  • Carbon Coater 208, High Resolution
  • Carbon Coater 108 Auto
  • Sputter Coater 328 UHR - Ultra High Resolution
  • Sputter Coater 208HR - High Resolution
  • Sputter Coater 108 Auto

Desktop Freeze Fracture & Etching System CFE-60




Product Introduction
The CFE-60 is the world’s most advanced freeze fracture apparatus. It combines the highest specification with the maximum versatility. The adaptability of its modular construction makes it outstanding research machine. Its simplicity of use makes it a true multi-user apparatus.
The main features are:-
 Desktop turbo pumped vacuum system.
Microprocessor sequence controller gives ultra clean, high speed pumping.
Sophisticated cyro-shielding gives contamination free replicas.
Pumped dewar gives stage temperatures down to -200 Degree Celsius, (for grain free Pt)
Rotary and uni-directional shadowing by Pt, Pt/C or W/Ta.
 1200W Automatic stage control gives precise etching depths.
 Accurate stage control gives precise etching depths.
Airlocks for sample changing, knife changing and carbon source changing.
please click here for Product Specification

Carbon System 328EB


328-EB 328EB Carbon System

ED-Carbon EB-Carbon Source
Product Introduction
The improved resolution of FESEMs and TEMs demands improved specimen preparation techniques and the ability to produce ultra high resolution coatings. For non-conductive samples, specimen preparation and coating is the key to ultra high resolution imaging. Ultra-high resolution coatings are ultra-thin, structure-free and conform metal (W, Pt, Cr or Ir) or carbon coatings. The new, advanced 328 series coater from Cressington is specifically designed for the needs of ultra high resolution FESEM or TEM imaging.
The 328EB-Carbon System for FESEM and/or TEM enables EB-carbon coating at a relatively moderate cost. Ultra-thin electron bean evaporated carbon layers are structure-free and strong. They are ideal or demanding EBSD applications (EB-carbon does not diffuse the EBSD patterns) and ultra high resolution FESEM imaging. EB-carbon is also excellent for TEM applications.
Using the optional adaptor kit, the EB source can be easily converted to accept Pt/C for low Angle Rotary Shadowing. The Eucentric Rotary-Tilting Stage can be easily tilted to the desired angle with the index angle control handle outside the vacuum chamber. The 328EB-Carbon is supplied complete with the advanced Cressington EB-500 power supply and the ultra high resolution MTM-10 Thickness Monitor System.
The 328EB-Carbon can either be purchased as a dedicated system or the top plate of the 328UHR Sputter System can be exchanged against a top plate with the EB source and the EB-500 Power Supply. After changing the top plate we advise to pump for at least 24 hours to re-condition the vacuum system since the quality of the coatings rely on the ultimate vacuum in the 10-7 mbar region.
The 328 System includes a sample load lock system with a loading rod and sample transfer sledge which locks into the Eucentric Rotary-Tilting Stage/ The sample transfer sledge accepts Diameter 25mm cylindrical Jeol mounts and Diameter 25mm Hitachi mounts without using an adaptor. For smaller sample mounts or pin stubs, sample carriers are required. The system comes with two sample carriers. Sample carriers are available for 1/2 inch and 1 inch pin mounts FEI, Zeiss, Tescan), 15mm Hitachi mounts, 10mm Jeol mounts and 5x5mm Si chips
The 328 Series is available in two versions:
  • 328 UHR for Ultra High Resolution Sputtering of FESEM Samples
  • 328 EB-Carbon for demanding FESEM and/or TEM applications
 please click here for Product Specification

Carbon Coater 208, High Resolution



208C with pumping system

Product Introduction
The most advanced Carbon Coater with wide applications for TEM, SEM and microprobe techniques. The modular design permits rapid change between a variety of applications with optimized operation conditions.
The Cressington 208 is designed as a modular system to adapt to the many different needs demanded by modern EM sample prep techniques. The basic system can be fitted with different accessories to customize a specialist system for TEM (support films, shadowing, aperture cleaning, glow discharge etc.) or SEM (high vacuum for microprobe or polished substrates – low vacuum for course or granular substrates) or both.
The main features are:-
 Voltage controlled rod source gives multiple evaporation capability.
Automatic evaporation control gives ease of use in a busy environment.
Low cost thickness monitor gives reproducible results.
80 l/sec turbo pump on a 150mm chmaber gives very rapid pump down.
Reduces operating costs several ways:- No diffusion pump to leave on continuously

– No need for water cooling

– No need for LN2 (dry nitrogen gas optional)

– Compact, space saving, modern bench top design.

 please click here for Product Specification

Carbon Coater 108 Auto


 108C-Head108C – Head
Product Introduction
The Cressington 108 Carbon Coaters use a novel evaporation supply. Current and voltage are monitored by sensor wires in the head and evaporation source is controlled as part of a feedback loop. The supply gives the conventional rod fed source usual stability stability and reproducibility. Power consumption is allow and the source shows exceptional re-starting characteristics. The evaporation source can be operated in “Pulse” or “Continuous” modes.
The Cressington 108 Carbon Auto offers the choice of either manual or automatic evaporation.
In automatic mode the evaporation source operates at a programmed voltage for a programmed time. The programmer is simply adjusted and displays voltage and time digitally.
In manual mode the unique Cressington supply can be operated in “Pulse” or “Continuous” with the output voltage set using the rotary control.
please click here for Product Specification 

Sputter Coater 328 UHR - Ultra High Resolution

328UHR-EDIT 328-Acc


Product Introduction
The improved resolution of FESEMs and TEMs demands improved specimen preparation techniques and the ability to produce ultra high resolution coatings. For nonconductive samples, specimen preparation and coating is the key to ultra high resolution imaging. Ultra-high resolution coatings are ultra-thin, structure-free and conform metal (W, Pt, Cr or Ir) or carbon coatings. The new, advanced 328 Series coater from Cressington is specifically designed for the needs of ultra high resolution FESEM or TEM imaging.
The 328UHR Ultra High Resolution Sputter System includes a unique on-axis twin sputter source design which enables sequential sputtering of metal without breaking the vacuum. The twin source design rotates at 180 degrees placing one sputter source in the park position and the other sputter head on-axis for coating. A shutter is incorporated for target conditioning. The Dual Source DC-100 sputter power supply supplies up to 80mA continuously variable sputter current. A large selection of sputter targets is available. For UHR coating we suggest W, Pt, Cr or Ir.
The programmable Turbo Pump on the 328 Systems can be optimized for both ultra high vacuum or for sputtering conditions. The sample load lock system enables quick sample transfer without breaking the near UHV vacuum. The Eucentric Rotary-Tilting Stage allows for selecting the desired coating angle with the indexed angle control handle outside the vacuum chamber. The Ultra High Resolution MTM-10 Thickness Monitor is integrated in the 328 System.
Larger samples (up to 90mm) can be loaded through the front window/door with its unique latching lock mechanism. When using the front door, the pump down and cycle time will be longer.
The 328 Series is available in two versions:
  • 328 UHR for Ultra High Resolution Sputtering of FESEM Samples
  • 328 EB-Carbon for demanding FESEM and/or TEM applications
 please click here for Product Specification

Sputter Coater 208HR - High Resolution


Product Introduction
The Cressington 208HR now offers real solutions to the problems encountered when coating difficult samples for FE-SEM. In oder to minimize the effects of grain size the 208HR offers a full range of coating materials and gives unprecedented control over thickness and deposition conditions. To minimize charging effects the 208HR stage design and wide range of operating pressures allows precise control of the uniformity and conformity of the coating. The HIGH/LOW chamber configuration allows easy adjustment of working distance.  
The main features are:-
Wide Choice of Coating MaterialsMagnetron head design and effective gas handling allow a wide choice of target materials (see specification).
Precision Thickness Control:-Thickness optimized to the FE-SEM operating voltage using the MTM-20 high resolution thickness controller.
Multiple Sample Stage Movements:-Separate rotary, planetary and tilting movements allow optimized coating distribution and coverage. (view RPT Stage)
Variable Chamber Geometry:-Chamber geometry is used to adjust deposition rates from 1.0 nm/sec to 0.002 nm/sec to optimize structure.
Wide Range of operating Pressures:-Independent power/pressure adjustment allows operation at argon gas pressure ranges of 0.2 – 0.005 mbar.
Compact Modern Benchtop Design:-Space and energy saving design eliminates need for floor space, water, specialized electrical connections.
please click here for Product Specification

Sputter Coater 108 Auto



Product Introduction
Cressington 108 Sputter Coaters are ideal for routine sample preparation. Compact, economical and simple to operate, they offer rapid pump down times, fine-grain coatings and negligible sample heating. Cool, fine-grain sputtering is achieved with a very efficient DC magnetron head. A quick change target method allows a range of metals to be used. The safety interlocked sputtering supply is fully variable and setting the sputter current is not influenced by vacuum level.
The Cressington 108 Auto Sputter Coater offers the choice of manual or automatic operation. The specification also includes automatic vent (with a choice of vent gas) and argon purge control.
In automatic mode the coater can be controlled in two ways. The digital timer can be used to give repeatable coatings or the (optional) MTM-20 controller can be used to terminate the sputtering process at the desired thickness.
The sputter current is set on a digital programmer and is not dependent on the argon gas pressure in the sputtering chamber. Pressure adjustments and current adjustments are carried out separately.
please click here for Product Specification or watch us on YouTube

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